MarcusBarnes / mik

The Move to Islandora Kit is an extensible PHP command-line tool for converting source content and metadata into packages suitable for importing into Islandora (or other digital repository and preservations systems).
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Delimiter problem in CSV Newspapers toolchain? #512

Closed bondjimbond closed 2 years ago

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

Strange error coming up when I try to process a Newspaper CSV. I can't understand what's wrong with my delimiters. It looks like there's some hidden issue in my CSV file perhaps. Any ideas?

[2021-08-16 15:29:55] ErrorException.ERROR: ErrorException {"message":"preg_match(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash","code":{"record_key":"46","item_info":"[object] (stdClass: {\"key\":\"46\",\"Directory\":\"1946-11-20\",\"Identifier\":\"ASMN-001216\",\"Title\":\"Abbotsford Sumas & Matsqui News, November 20, 1946\",\"Date\":\"1946-11-20\"})","issue_directory":"1946-11-20","directory_regex":"\\#/1946\\-11\\-20/\\#","paths":["/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-001.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-002.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-003.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-004.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-005.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-006.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-007.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-008.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-009.tif","/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-010.tif"],"path":"/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-001.tif"},"severity":2,"file":"/Users/brandon/sfuvault/mik/src/filegetters/CsvNewspapers.php","line":161} []
[2021-08-16 15:29:55] ErrorException.ERROR: ErrorException {"message":"problem getting children of record","record_key":"46","details":"[object] (mik\\exceptions\\MikErrorException(code: 0):  at /Users/brandon/sfuvault/mik/mik:105)"} []

MarcusBarnes commented 2 years ago

To possibly assist with debugging, note that the error created by preg_match() happens here:

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

@MarcusBarnes do you think it's a code problem, or likely something I'm missing in the .ini file? I can't see anything wrong with my CSV.

MarcusBarnes commented 2 years ago

Not sure yet. I'll share if I have any leads to for you to follow up on.

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

Is it applying the directory regex to the metadata for some reason?


It looks like it's inserting the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR in between the metadata keys and values for reasons I can't grasp.

MarcusBarnes commented 2 years ago

@bondjimbond Based on the second error message, would you check that the filename and access permissions on /Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/ that corresponds to key 46 are all correct and that there's nothing there that is suspicious?

Another approach to debugging is adding some print_r statements just before the for $path and $directory_regex see if there's anything there that would cause problems? For $directory_regex, we use '#' as the regex delimiter - is that interacting with the file path corresponding to key 46 (or key 45) in some way?

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

Hm, I tried print_r both inside and outside of the loop, but nothing printed.

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

File permissions all look OK: -rwxrwxrwx

MarcusBarnes commented 2 years ago

@bondjimbond Try using dump() instead?

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

How does that work? If I try dump($path) I get fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mik\filegetters\dump()

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

OK, var_dump worked. Here are the results for $path and $directory_regex:

string(67) "/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-001.tif"
string(18) "\#/1946\-01\-09/\#"
string(67) "/Volumes/UFV_FILES/UFV-ASMN-1946/1946/1946-01-09/1946-01-09-001.tif"
string(18) "\#/1946\-01\-16/\#"
bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

So based on this error: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash, is MIK interpreting the backslash that is added by the regex function as a delimiter rather than as an escape character?

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

The last time I sued CsvNewspapers it worked -- wondering if the problem comes from a commit between then and now?

I see there's a commit that affects the directory path here:

Wondering if that might be the cause..

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

No -- tried reverting that file to the older state, continuing to get the same error.

I also tried rewriting the .ini file from scratch, no change.

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago

The problem has to be here, right? "directory_regex":"\\#1946\\-01\\-09\\#"

I added a before-and-after var_dump to see what happens to the $directory_regex variable here:

        $directory_regex = '#' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $issue_directory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '#';
        $directory_regex = preg_quote($directory_regex);

and this is what I see:

string(14) "#/1946-12-11/#"
string(18) "\#/1946\-12\-11/\#"
string(14) "#/1946-12-18/#"
string(18) "\#/1946\-12\-18/\#"

While in mik.log the backslash -- which is intended to escape the hyphen -- is doubled up. So it looks like the escaping happens twice somehow, which is probably the cause of this problem.

bondjimbond commented 2 years ago


I removed the preg_quote line, and now MIK runs successfully.