MarcusLlewellyn / hifi-typescript

Typescript definition file for the High Fidelity API
MIT License
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Hifi-typings #2

Open MiladNazeri opened 5 years ago

MiladNazeri commented 5 years ago

Hi Marcus!

This isn't really an issue, but I ran across this and thought it was very cool! The hifi-content team has made something similar:

I haven't had a chance to use this yet, but wanted to share the above in case there was anything you found useful in there.

MarcusLlewellyn commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Milad! In truth, the latter link is what inspired this repo. Although it appears to have been auto-generated and isn't quite compatible with TypeScript naming conventions, namespaces, etc, it served as an excellent starting point to make something potentially usable.

I wasn't aware of the VS Code snippets, so that's very cool! I'll take a look at it.

MiladNazeri commented 5 years ago

Oh awesome! Yeah I'm not a typescript expert, but it has definitely made life a little easier combining them with the jsdocs in vscode.

Keep at it man. I'm going to give yours a try as soon as I get this project done and see the difference.