Effects of this should largely be limited to image selection according to https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/changes/partial-photo-video-access However, as normal, google contradicts itself in the document and is very unclear if the compatible mode it supposedly uses will go away at some time in the future and if it is any different to the previous behaviour. In any case at least on Android 14 emulators there currently doesn't seem to be any impact.
Effects of this should largely be limited to image selection according to https://developer.android.com/about/versions/14/changes/partial-photo-video-access However, as normal, google contradicts itself in the document and is very unclear if the compatible mode it supposedly uses will go away at some time in the future and if it is any different to the previous behaviour. In any case at least on Android 14 emulators there currently doesn't seem to be any impact.
Resolves: https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android/issues/2595