Marcushe31 / M00031

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Final Individual Review Blog + Video #1

Open Marcushe31 opened 6 months ago

Marcushe31 commented 6 months ago

This is my Trimester 2 Individual Review + Video

Project Overview:

Our CPT project was focused on creating a casino simulator, for the educational purpose to teach students and others that gambling can lead to addiction and harmful behavior. Our project implemented different games made individually by each person, such as slot machines, car racing, dice betting, and black jack.

My Features

  • Pictures: I was able to create a friendly enviorment by putting pictures in the background of a casino dice game, and a dice for visual effects. These were made soley for the purpose of user entertainment, to attract the user to want to play some of the other games aswell.

  • Sound: I added a dice rolling sound when the user rolls the dice, which is just for the user's entertainent. With the casino we wanted to create a friendly simulator that attracts the user, but will make them addicted to the "gamble high".

  • Currency Balance: The user starts off with $150, and is able to spend their currency freely throughout the casino sim. In my dice game, if the user is able to land the number that they chose, they will double the amount of money they placed a bet on. Through the storage of the backend and SQLite Database, the user is able to store their currency which is associasted to their account (user and login). This means that they can go from game to game, and maintain the same currency balance, wheter they lose or gain money.

  • Rigged feature: The main feature/lesson learned that our project has implemented is that most all of the games in our simulator were rigged. For example, while users may be tempted to "double" their money if they win their bet on the dice game, the chances of winning is (1/6), which is only a 16% chance. This feature is used to take our project up a step from simply being a game to a project that has an impact on people's perspectives of gambling and it's negatives. When the user runs out of money to spend, a screen shares with them about data of gambling, and the negatives of gambling.

    Part A Requirement College Board

    Instructions for input from one of the following: the user, a device, an online data stream, a file:

  • My feature (dice game) revolves around the user first clicking the start button, which initiates the game.
  • ![individualreview](

    Use of at least one list (or other collection type) to represent a collecting of data that is stored and used to manage program complexity and help fulfill the users purpose.

    Our casinosim utilized the SQLite backend and database, to store values like the user's username and password, as well as the current currency balance. We stored all the values in the JSON and Sqlite table to transfer data values from backend to frontend.

    An algorithm that includes sequencing, selection, and iteration that is in the body of the selected procedure

    ![image]( The code provided features a "rollDice()" function which simulates rolling a six-sided dice. This code accepts an input parameter, iterations, which represents the number of rolls that it will then simulate. It then will generate random numbers between 1-6 for each roll, which stores the outcomes in an array. It then returns the array, which shows the output of the code.

    Instructions for output (tactile, audible, visual, or ) based on input and program functionality

    ![fjasldk]( In the code provided, the user input (amount of money bet and which number bet on) is collected through the prompts, and the outcome to the game displays the user through alerts, which updates the balance in HTML depending on if they win (adds money) or lose (takes away money) from the database in the backend.

    Github Data + Commits

    ![COMMITS]( ![comi](

    JoshThinh commented 6 months ago

    4.67/5 I like the concept of the game and how it is displayed on your website. I also can see that you have contributed a lot in this project. When displaying the game I was able to see it work perfectly. Something you can add is adding more features to the game.