Closed dedoogong closed 7 years ago
Unfortunately in theano you can't just visualize things like that. Try the code example below:
from FaceAlignment import FaceAlignment
from ImageServer import ImageServer
import theano
import lasagne
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
faceAlignment = FaceAlignment(112, 112, 1, 2)
datasetDir ="../data/"
challengingSet = ImageServer.Load(datasetDir + "challengingSet.npz")
inputImg, transform = faceAlignment.CropResizeRotate(challengingSet.imgs[1], challengingSet.initLandmarks[1])
inputImg = inputImg - faceAlignment.meanImg
inputImg = inputImg / faceAlignment.stdDevImg
theanoHeatmap = lasagne.layers.get_output(faceAlignment.layers["s1_img_landmarks"], deterministic=True)
heatmapFunction = theano.function([], [theanoHeatmap])
heatmap = heatmapFunction([inputImg])[0][0][0]
In order to run this you need to have the "challengingSet.npz" file, the instructions for its creation are in the readme file. You can also subsitute the image from "challengingSet.npz" with any other image.
wow really thank you! As I'm little bit lazy guy;;; and it's first time to handle theano, rather than creating the npz file, I just applied your guide to and
def initializeNetwork(self):
self.layers = self.createCNN() = self.layers['output']
self.prediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(, deterministic=True)
self.generate_network_output = theano.function([], [self.prediction])
self.theanoHeatmap = lasagne.layers.get_output(self.layers["s1_img_landmarks"], deterministic=True)
self.heatmapFunction = theano.function([], [self.theanoHeatmap])
def processImg(self, img, inputLandmarks):
inputImg, transform = self.CropResizeRotate(img, inputLandmarks)
inputImg = inputImg - self.meanImg
inputImg = inputImg / self.stdDevImg
heatmap = self.heatmapFunction([inputImg])[0][0][0]
return heatmap
from FaceAlignment import FaceAlignment import numpy as np import cv2 import utils from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
model = FaceAlignment(112, 112, 1, 2) model.loadNetwork("../DAN-Menpo.npz")
cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier("../data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")
reset = True landmarks = None
print ("Press space to detect the face, press escape to exit") vis =cv2.imread("test.jpg") if len(vis.shape) > 2: img = np.mean(vis, axis=2).astype(np.uint8) else: img = vis.astype(np.uint8)
rects = cascade.detectMultiScale(img, scaleFactor=1.2, minNeighbors=3, minSize=(50, 50)) if len(rects) > 0: minX = rects[0][0] maxX = rects[0][0] + rects[0][2] minY = rects[0][1] maxY = rects[0][1] + rects[0][3] cv2.rectangle(vis, (minX, minY), (maxX, maxY), (255, 0, 0)) initLandmarks = utils.bestFitRect(None, model.initLandmarks, [minX, minY, maxX, maxY])
landmarks = model.processImg(img[np.newaxis], initLandmarks)
and I finally succeeded in seeing the heatmap!
really thank you again!
I'm trying to see how the heatmap is generated and focusing on draw_landmarks_helper. def draw_landmarks_helper(self, landmark): img = T.zeros((1, self.img_shape[0], self.img_shape[1]))
can you give me an advice on how to see the array or tensor?
thank you.