MarekKowalski / LiveScan3D

LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Azure Kinect or Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed.
MIT License
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Very slow #16

Closed CreateOneMore closed 7 years ago

CreateOneMore commented 7 years ago

Hello, when I use LiveScan3D with my PC, the status bar show the FPS just 0.5 - 2. How can I make it more quickly? I have set Stream only bodies, and disable filtering. The client and server is run on the same PC. I had watch the video in YouTube, it looks very smooth. How can i run it smooth on my PC? Thanks.

MarekKowalski commented 7 years ago


Are you running a precompiled binary from the release or did you compile it yourself? If you compile it yourself did you use the Release settings (as opposed to Debug which is slower)? Is this the framerate from the client or the live view window in the server?


CreateOneMore commented 7 years ago

I try to compile it use the Release settings today. It looks good. Is anything difference between Debug and Release? And my PC can't run the binary that download at release page, i had double click the EXE file several times but nothing happened, Even if i use the administrator permission.

MarekKowalski commented 7 years ago

In release the program is compiled with optimization while in Debug it is not, that is where the performance improvement comes from. I am sad to hear the binary did not work on your machine, I will look into it.

Best regards,
