MarekKowalski / LiveScan3D

LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Azure Kinect or Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed.
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.bin file in sync while ply files out of sync for two camera recordings #58

Open jessiez0810 opened 3 years ago

jessiez0810 commented 3 years ago


I encountered a problem while using LiveScan3D with two Kinect Azure cameras. When I play the .bin file in the player the recording shows the two Kinect cameras are in sync like this: However, when I chose to play .ply sequence of the same recording to play in the player, the two Kinect cameras appear to be out of sync like this: It appears that all my recordings are like this. I made sure before recording that both cameras were calibrated and temporal sync is enabled. Would you know why this is?

Thank you.

ChristopherRemde commented 3 years ago


Thank you for posting this bug. I created the temporal sync component for Livescan. I'll try to fix this bug, but it may take a few weeks. I think you're also in the volumetric discord, right? I'll keep you updated there, and submit a PR once I could replicate and fix this issue.

jessiez0810 commented 3 years ago


Ah I didnt know that was you. Great!


ChristopherRemde commented 2 years ago

Hi Jessie,

soo, I was able to fix this bug. It took a very long time as I needed to overhaul the sync-functionality inside of Livescan completly. I realized I didn't really implement the temporal sync in a proper way, so thank you again for bringing this issue to my attention!

Besides fixing this bug, the FPS of the recordings are also increased from 15 to 30 now, due to the new sync system! So it's a pretty major step-up.

For now, you can find the overhauled system only on this fork here, on the development branch: The changes I did are part of a larger overhaul of Livescan3D, so I won't be merging this changes into this repo for now, but I hope to be able to do this in the future!