MarekKowalski / LiveScan3D

LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Azure Kinect or Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed.
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Problems about showing .ply in LiveScanPlayer.exe #69

Closed ERICXUCHI closed 10 months ago

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

Hi, team. I have saved the .ply files, but when I started the player and selected the files, the current number is changing from 0 to 50 frame but nothing shows on the screen, should there be a 3D player showed? Or how I can do to solve this problem?

2 Windows 10 + 2 Azure Kinects

the screen is like below: image

ChristopherRemde commented 10 months ago

You just need to click on the "Show live" button

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your reply! Yeah, I tried your suggestion but nothing happened. The FPS is always 0. image

What's more, when I tried to 'show live' in the server.exe, the FPS is about 15 on average (with T500 GPU) and nothing shows on the screen. And when I tried to save .ply, all .ply is 1kb, which I thought I did not save them successfully. Do you ever encounter such problems? Or how I could do to solve it😂

ChristopherRemde commented 10 months ago

Hm it could be that you actually didn't record anything. When you can't see anything in the Live Preview on the server, this also means no data is being recorded. How large is your .bin file?

The FPS being low is normal, that's due to the limited bandwith.

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

I have used two Azure Kinects so there is perhaps no .bin file.

Are there any alternative solutions? 😣

ChristopherRemde commented 10 months ago

There should be a .bin file in the LiveScan3D/bin/ folder called recording_XXX.bin after you've recorded a capture. Do you see anything there?

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I saw it under /bin folder. But the .bin file is also about 1-5 kb, there may be something wrong during recording.

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

What's more, I cannot see anything when I click 'show live' in the server.exe, even though the FPS ~30.

However, if I did not generate the release version and just click 'run' in the visual studio 2019, the 'show live' runs correctly and can show the images. Do you ever encounter this problem?

ChristopherRemde commented 10 months ago

I see you started a new issue. Could you close this one?

ERICXUCHI commented 10 months ago

Yeah, no problem. I found that in this repo "" it works. Thanks a lot!