MarekKowalski / LiveScan3D

LiveScan3D is a system designed for real time 3D reconstruction using multiple Azure Kinect or Kinect v2 depth sensors simultaneously at real time speed.
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Memory Leak in C++ CallBack Function #7

Closed kirubhakinect closed 8 years ago

kirubhakinect commented 8 years ago

Currently i Writing Code for CallBack Function to Getting Bytes array continuously from CLI Wrapper. My code

        void ReceivedSensor1ByteArray(unsigned char values[], int length);


         byte* sensor1bytevalues;
         void ReceivedSensor1ByteArray(unsigned char values[], int length)
            if(length > 0)
        sensor1bytevalues=new byte[length];

        for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)

    **CLI Wrapper**


            public ref class SampleWrapper
            kinectSocketwrapperObj->ReadBytesValues+=gcnew CLIWrapperClass::ByteValuesReady(this,&Wrapper::SampleWrapper::ByteArrayReadyMethod);

             CLIWrapperClass ^ kinectSocketwrapperObj;
            static SampleWrapper ^ Instance = gcnew SampleWrapper();
            void ByteArrayReadyMethod(array<Byte> ^ values);

      GetByteArrayCallback byteArrayCallback;
    __declspec(dllexport) void GetSensor1ColorsFromCsharp(GetByteArrayCallback cb)
            byteArrayCallback = cb;
            CLIWrapperClass ^KinectServerWrapper = SampleWrapper::Instance->kinectSocketwrapperObj;

 void SampleWrapper::ByteArrayReadyMethod(array<Byte> ^ values)
      Byte *nativeValues = new Byte[values->Length];
      copyManagedByteToUnfloatArray(nativeValues, values);
      byteArrayCallback(nativeValues, values->Length);


void copyManagedByteToUnfloatArray(Byte target[], array<Byte> ^ values)
      int maxSize = values->Length;
      if ( maxSize > 0) 
         for (int index = 0; index < maxSize; index++ ) 
            target[index] = (float)values[index];

Actually I Receiving Bytes Data from C# through CLI Wrapper Class and Passed to C++ Application in order to DisplayImageFrame. When i call GetSensor1VerticesFromCSharp function continuesly the system Memory increased after 10 minutes the system gets hanged. please suggest me to solve this issue.

Thanks, Kirubha

MarekKowalski commented 8 years ago

Hi Kirubha,

I cannot really tell what is going on based on the code you gave me. One potential place where a memory leak could occur is where you allocate new memory for sensor1bytevalues, remember that you need to free this memory using delete (since it is c++).

If you need any more help, I suggest you write to me by email instead of posting new issues here.

Best regards,
