Marekkon5 / onetagger

Music tagger for Windows, MacOS and Linux with Beatport, Discogs, Musicbrainz, Spotify, Traxsource and many other platforms support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ERROR] Parsing: delimiter not found #364

Open JonBeyond opened 5 months ago

JonBeyond commented 5 months ago

I've been getting this error fairly often. As far as my eyes can tell, there is nothing special about these tracks

My delimiter is set as / (space slash space)

Here are 3 tracks in a playlist of 33 that trigger it (I can provide other examples if it's helpful)

2024-03-30 10:25:57 [ERROR] onetagger_ui::quicktag: Error loading file: "/Users/{REMOVED}/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Mahalo, Cat Lewis/Unknown Album/12 Be My Love feat. Cat Lewis.mp3" Parsing: delimiter not found
2024-03-30 10:25:57 [ERROR] onetagger_ui::quicktag: Error loading file: "/Users/{REMOVED}/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Major Lover, Will Fast/Unknown Album/12 I\'ll Be Back.mp3" Parsing: delimiter not found
2024-03-30 10:25:57 [ERROR] onetagger_ui::quicktag: Error loading file: "/Users/{REMOVED}/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/Sons Of Maria/Unknown Album/08 You Care.mp3" Parsing: delimiter not found

Here is a screen shot from iTunes, in case it's helpful to see the adjacent tracks that work without issue:


Note that I've manually removed some PII from the above logs.

Thanks for considering this error, I hope it is not something silly. Let me know if I can provide any additional information or try any changes!

JonBeyond commented 3 months ago

Giving a small update:

I had this issue occur as I was tagging a song inside the application. This was the first time it's happened, and now I am unable to get that (partially) tagged track back into Onetagger.

I am also keeping a list of all the tracks that are plagued by this issue. In a few weeks, I'll post back with that data set in case it's helpful.

I did look through the rust code, unfortunately I am not very good with rust despite past efforts.

  if EXTENSIONS.iter().any(|e| path.extension().unwrap_or_default().to_ascii_lowercase() == *e) {
    match QuickTagFile::from_path(&path, separators) {

While the code seems relatively straight forward, I immediately hit brick walls attempting to dig one later deeper. Unfortunately, as is well known, the language around rust is totally diff from any other language (and I'm not talking about semantics, I mean the descriptive language to describe concepts and features) I've ever used and so trying to get into any level of detail is futile without a great deal of effort to get over the massive learning curve. Once I get a bigger data set (and a bigger motivation to fix this issue) I'll explore deeper and try to figure out what's going on and at least be able to make a local fix so I can go ahead and tag these files.

In any case, I'll report back in a few weeks and make a better attempt to fix it myself when my time frees up a bit.

Marekkon5 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, thank you for the efforts, I've tried making a file with simillar characters, however I was not able to reproduce this. Could maybe provide one file as example so I can debug myself? Thank you and sorry for late reply.