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[Suggestion] Powered fizzler(sends output when entities pass through) #148

Open villager103 opened 5 years ago

villager103 commented 5 years ago

The input/output fizzler(let's just call it the powered fizzler) behaves like a regular fizzler, but with the added property of sending an output when an entity passes through(the player, or specific enemy types, like how the region trigger currently functions)

This could open a range of applications, for example, one could link it to a toggle latch to recreate the toggle fields from Portal Pro.

HugoBDesigner commented 5 years ago

Wouldn't that just be a trigger on top of a regular fizzler, though?

RokonShimo commented 5 years ago

I guess... If there was a way to put the edges of a regiontrigger in the middle of a tile, you'd be right. That doesn't sound that hard to implement honestly.

villager103 commented 5 years ago

Sorta. With the region triggers, the collisions with the fizzler are weird, and the fizzler would still fizzle cubes/block portals, and you can't make them animated without making it impossible for it to be turned off due to limitations with animated tiles. This can be duct-taped together with currently implemented elements though, but with more limited functionality.

HugoBDesigner commented 5 years ago

Perhaps a "customizable trigger size" set of inputs like HEC has?

RokonShimo commented 5 years ago

Perhaps more complicated UI could be a toggleable editor option for all objects that can function beyond the scope of what the base editor allows (acting as a substitute for text editing). Regiontriggers aren't the only thing limited by the UI.

Or in the case of regiontriggers and other rectangle selects, an option to "snap to pixel" might also work.