Mari0-CE / Mari0-Community-Edition

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[Help Wanted] Contributions to the Wiki #17

Open HugoBDesigner opened 6 years ago

HugoBDesigner commented 6 years ago

I think it is a good idea to have wiki pages for different aspects of SE, given that we have a platform built specifically for that. My current proposals for wiki pages are:

Suggestions for wiki pages are welcome, be it new pages or the splitting of existing/suggested pages. Community contribution is very much appreciated for this particular task.

masterminer176 commented 6 years ago

Would these pages be for describing the aspects of CE? Or would they be a repository for CE assets?

HugoBDesigner commented 6 years ago

They'd describe aspects of CE, such as tutorials. If users didn't know, for instance, how to make custom tilesets, the wiki would tell them everything: file name, file format, directory, tile sizes, tile properties, animated tiles, etc.

RokonShimo commented 6 years ago

The actual stabyourself wiki is pretty fully featured in this regard, right?

HugoBDesigner commented 6 years ago

I suppose so, but given this is an open project (and arguably more easily accessible), we can make it more comprehensive and thorough. Not to mention new features will require new knowledge too

RokonShimo commented 6 years ago

Yeah. I suppose that other issue about editor shortcuts (too lazy to tag it) is just one thing the STYS wiki doesn't cover. And having the wiki directly linked to the github would be cool too.

masterminer176 commented 5 years ago

bump Is there open application to help on this? There's no pages and I might be able to help with it

RokonShimo commented 5 years ago

May I volunteer as well? It might make this more accessible to new people. This community needs to be bigger.

HugoBDesigner commented 5 years ago

There are a couple ways you can contribute: The first would be by posting an issue (or a comment in this issue) with the details of the page you want to create/edit. The second would be by forking the Wiki, editing, then making a pull request (that might be a bit advanced for most users, though). Alternatively, I could allow certain users to edit the Wiki, but that is not ideal in a public platform, even with rollbacks, so I'm reserving that for when other options are deemed impracticable.

I unfortunately haven't had much time to edit the Wiki myself, and I'm sorry the repo is kind of "abandoned", but as long as there are people willing to help, I'll try to facilitate it. With new contributions, I could add more members to the group and grant them edit permissions.

magnusviri commented 4 years ago

I've already forked the project but that didn't include the wiki. I don't see any way for me to fork the wiki actually. I've already started documenting stuff on my computer because I'm brand new to Mari0 and I basically don't know how to do anything so I've been writing it down for myself. There's this wiki: Who controls it?

HugoBDesigner commented 4 years ago

You can edit the wiki directly through GitHub's interface: Additionally, you can clone it locally, then send a Pull Request:

As for the Stabyourself Fandom page, I don't know who's in charge, but it is open for editing so long as you make a Fandom account and log in.

magnusviri commented 4 years ago

I don't see any way to edit it from the Mari0-CE page. I cloned it locally, made a change, tried to push it but was denied because I don't have permission. I created my own wiki but I see no way to push it to this repository's wiki. I can't see any way to contribute.

HugoBDesigner commented 4 years ago

@magnusviri Seems like, in order to push to the Wiki, one must be a member, which is quite a shame. I've invited you as a member, hopefully that'll sort it out. Sorry for the misunderstanding.