Mari023 / AE2WirelessTerminalLibrary

port of for fabric
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Issue with connecting new terminal. #291

Closed Strandfeltdk closed 4 months ago

Strandfeltdk commented 4 months ago

So.. i have lost my wireless terminal at some point.. but the issue is the when is try to set up the quantum link chamber, with a new singularity i dosnt work. i have destoried the one that was in the champer, and replaced it.

I have build a whole new set og rings and champer and linked to a new wireless access point. an ancher is connected.

The Power supply is connected to the side of a quantum ring.

Wireless terminal is fully charged

I have tried to search to see if you can like untangle the quantum network, but didnt find anything.

Thank you in advance :-)

I have but in a screenshot of the setup. (which is identical to the one before i lost the terminal).

2024-07-14_16 29 46

Mari023 commented 4 months ago

did you put in a quantum bridge card in your new terminal? it might also worth checking if you used the correct singularity, if they stack they are the same an should connect

otherwise your setup looks correct

Strandfeltdk commented 4 months ago

I made a new singualarty with enderdust and tiny tnt. And it is in the quantum slot :)

Mari023 commented 4 months ago

but did you make a new quantum bridge card too?

Strandfeltdk commented 4 months ago

well.. i didnt have any inserted haha. woops by bad :-)