Mari023 / AE2WirelessTerminalLibrary

port of for fabric
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World Crashes and game goes back to Multiplayer's Server Section after using Crafting Wireless Terminal on DeepLearner Curios Slot (not reproductible) #312

Open AndreCelso opened 6 days ago

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

When i tried to access my Crafting Wireless Terminals in the curios (I use Accessories + Accessories Curios Compat Layer for Curios support) via keybind, i got this world crash image Tried to Reproduce this issue again in both my tests world and my actual survival world and could not reproduce it

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

was this on singleplayer or on a server?

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

Singleplayer. why?

Mari023 commented 6 days ago


some bugs only happen on servers, especially when it relates to networking

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

i understand now. but i still have no clue on how and why this happened when i was playing on singleplayer while the issue looks like something related to servers and networking

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

It just happened again btw

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

i understand now. but i still have no clue on how and why this happened when i was playing on singleplayer while the issue looks like something related to servers and networking

you have networking on singleplayer too, but sometimes things happen differently on a server than on singleplayer, so knowing where it occurs helps debugging issues where it might be relevant.

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

Got it. but how we debug it to find the cause of the crash? do you need any of my logs? which log do you need?

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

You can send me your latest.log, it might contain some more information

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

Need a Gist or sending here is also fine?

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

gist is better

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago - there it is. sorry for the previous gist, file was outdated by 20 minutes, now it is updated

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

thanks! the other one would have been fine too, both show the stacktrace of the issue (and the modlist)

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

nice, hope we find the cause

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

okay, I can consistently reproduce it, funnily enough only in my ae2wtlib dev env, but not in my ae2 dev env, even tho ae2wtlib doesn't change the codepath here (tho it could maybe be random at launch, or dependent on mod load order)

what happens is that the order of the of the shoe and deep learner slot is different between logical client and logical server, so they are in a different slot number on the client and the server, however ae2 expects the slot number to be the same.

this is very likely an issue with Accessories (or their curios compat layer), I'll report it there tomorow

AndreCelso commented 6 days ago

gotcha, glad we found the cause of the issue. and glad that had nothing to do with other mods i depend on, for example, Synitra Connector, because i use some fabric mods on my game and i really need them. i'll check your report to acessories as well and wait until the problem gets fixed (if it gers fixed)

Mari023 commented 6 days ago

I'll link the issue here once I open it