MariaDB / mariadb-docker

Docker Official Image packaging for MariaDB
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Setup database (permisions) using an environment variable #319

Closed adrian-tarau closed 4 years ago

adrian-tarau commented 4 years ago

Environment variable like MYSQL_DATABASE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQLPASSWORD allows one to create a user and a database when the container starts but if special permissions need to be given to that user the only way of doing that is to mount scripts under /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d_.

It would be much easier to set up complete test instances if an environment variable called MYSQL_INITDB_STATEMENTS (or something like that) would be supported to be able to inject alter statements like:

wglambert commented 4 years ago

You can include scripts to be executed after database initialization, for files that are .sh, .sql and .sql.gz

Oh I see you mentioned that

yosifkit commented 4 years ago

We'd rather not add additional environment variables and instead expose areas (like /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d) where users can add in their own (a custom shell script could even use new environment variables).

So something like this? It could even be built into a custom image.

set -e

# as long as the file is not executable, it will be sourced by the entrypoint
# and have access to all the functions defined there (like docker_process_sql)

docker_process_sql <<-EOSQL
    grant select on performance_schema.* to '$MY_CUSTOM_VARIABLE'@'%';
    grant $SOME_PERMISSIONS on . to '$MY_OTHER_USER'@'%';
docker_process_sql <<<"$RAW_SQL_COMMAND;"
adrian-tarau commented 4 years ago

Well, I still think an env variable could be a useful feature...also easy to add. In the end, we made a custom image with custom SQL files to set up the database the way we needed for development.