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Performance of Property Getters and Setters #23

Open vitorazevedo opened 7 months ago

vitorazevedo commented 7 months ago

Performance of Property Getters and Setters: The custom getter and setter for each property might be less efficient than native property access. If performance is a concern, consider alternative methods to observe property changes, like using Proxies or more efficient change detection strategies.

vitorazevedo commented 7 months ago

To improve the performance of property getters and setters in your component, you can adopt an alternative change detection strategy. Using JavaScript Proxies, as mentioned previously, is a highly efficient way to observe property changes. Proxies allow you to intercept and customize operations performed on objects, such as getting, setting, and enumerating properties, without the overhead of manually defining getters and setters for each property.

Here's how you can implement a Proxy-based solution to replace the individual getters and setters:

  1. Define a Proxy for Your Data Object: Create a Proxy to wrap your data object. This Proxy will intercept all get and set operations on the object.

  2. Handle Changes in the Set Trap: In the set trap of the Proxy, you can implement the logic to detect changes to properties and take appropriate actions, like re-rendering the component or emitting events.

  3. Integrate the Proxy with Your Component: Replace the manual getters and setters with the Proxy, and use it to handle all property interactions.

Here's an example implementation:

export function Component(options: any): any {
  return function <T extends ComponentClass>(OriginalClass: T) {
    return class extends HTMLElement {
      // ... existing code ...

      private _data: any = {};
      private _dataProxy;

      constructor(...args: any) {
        // ... existing constructor code ...

        // Initialize the proxy for data object
        this._dataProxy = new Proxy(this._data, {
          get: (target, property) => {
            // Optional: Add any additional logic for 'get' if needed
            return target[property];
          set: (target, property, value) => {
            const oldValue = target[property];
            target[property] = value;
            this.onPropertyChanged(property, oldValue, value);
            return true; // Indicate success
          // Optionally, you can add other traps like deleteProperty, etc.

        this._data = this._dataProxy;

      private onPropertyChanged(property, oldValue, newValue) {
        // Handle property changes
        if (oldValue !== newValue) {
          // Do something when the property changes
          // e.g., re-render the component or emit a custom event

      private updateComponent() {
        // Logic to update the component, if necessary

      // ... rest of your code ...
    } as unknown as T;

By using a Proxy, you centralize and simplify change detection, which can lead to better performance compared to manually defining getters and setters for each property. This method is also more scalable and maintainable, especially for components with a large number of properties.