[x] flavor text clean up (break out into own function and clean if statements) (Maria)
[x] move sockets into own file(s) (Maria)
[x] victory condition (John)
[x] deactivate action (Ismail)
[x] more flavor text (Ismail)
[x] remove player from board on disconnect (Maria)
[x] flavor text clean up (catch edge cases and make it more consistent) (Maria)
[x] retrain NLP (Ismail)
[x] threshold for classifying actions -- if low match, fail the action (Ismail)
[x] responsive FE (Nicky/John)
[x] on hover, messages shift to the left (Nicky/John)
[x] remove warnings on FE (John)
[x] home page redesign (John/Nicky)
[x] flavor text for when you get an item
bug hunting:
[x] broken timer ( cc: @ncen5293 )
[x] socket rooms aren't behaving as expected -- likely an issue with rerendering not getting triggered on FE. will investigate if the emit allrooms is tied to state
bug hunting: