MarilynKeller / OSSO

From a body shape, infer the anatomic skeleton.
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Write skeleton mesh bones individually? #8

Closed GraceEMc closed 7 months ago

GraceEMc commented 1 year ago

Hi again, I am wondering if it is possible to export the skeleton as individual bones rather than a single mesh file. If so, could you please direct me to where I might be able to modify the code to do this?

siddhshenoy commented 1 year ago

Hey Grace,

Have you come across a resolution for your requirement? Since I'm interested in doing something similar...

MarilynKeller commented 1 year ago

To export individual meshes, you can use the metadata in StitchedSkeleton:

sk = StitchedSkeleton()

The name and index of each skeleton part: = {'Pelvis': 0, 'Spine': 1, 'Spine1': 2, 'Spine2': 3, 'Neck': 4, 'LeftClavicle': 5, 'RightClavicle': 6, 'Sternum': 7, 'Head': 8, 'LeftArm1': 9, 'RightArm1': 10, 'LeftArm2': 11, 'RightArm2': 12, 'LeftHand': 13, 'RightHand': 14, 'LeftLeg1': 15, 'LeftLeg2': 16, 'RightLeg1': 17, 'RightLeg2': 18, 'LeftFoot': 19, 'RightFoot': 20}

The vertices indices of each skeleton part: sk.part2bodyPoints

The faces of each skeleton part: sk.partFaces

Thus, you can export the infered skeleton mesh by individual part. For example to export the humerus,

Let sp be the infered skeleton as here

To export the left humerus as an individual bone mesh:

from gloss_skeleton.gloss.stitched_skel import StitchedSkeleton
sk = StitchedSkeleton()
# The humerus is the part with index 9
hum_verts_id = sk.part2bodyPoints[9]
hum_faces = sk.partFaces[9]

humerus_mesh = Mesh(v = sp.r[hum_verts_id], f = hum_faces)

Let me know if you meet any further issue.

hwy1992129 commented 1 year ago

@MarilynKeller I tried... It doesn't work. StitchedSkeleton method doesn't load model.. I added

skel_path = cg.skeleton_model_file

However, the order of indices has issues.... The result is shown below. I exported all the parts... image image image

pujades commented 1 year ago

Hi, One known issue with Blender is that it can change the vertex order. You have one checkbox in the import /export window to make sure the order of the vertices is preserved. Can you please check if this solves the problem?

hwy1992129 commented 1 year ago

Hi, One known issue with Blender is that it can change the vertex order. You have one checkbox in the import /export window to make sure the order of the vertices is preserved. Can you please check if this solves the problem?

I added the code at the end of The exported *.ply is shown like the image. It is not related to Blender.... image

MarilynKeller commented 1 year ago

I see, there seems to be a vertex order issue. Can you share this code in text format? And if you share the resulting part meshes, then I can check them. It is possible that the vertex indices are ok, but not the faces.

hwy1992129 commented 1 year ago
def infer_skeleton(skin_pkl_path, skel_mesh_path, skel_pkl_path, skin_mesh_lying_path, gender, display=False, verbose=False):
    """Infer a skeleton mesh given STAR parameters.

        skin_pkl_path (str): Path to a pickle file of a dictionary containing STAR parameters ("verts", "betas")
        skel_mesh_path (str): Path to save the infered lying down skeleton mesh
        skel_pkl_path (str): Path to save the infered lying down skeleton object
        skin_mesh_lying_path (_type_): Path to save the corresponding lying down body shape
        gender (str): Gender of the input body mesh, must be in ['male', 'female']
        display (bool, optional): If True, show the meshes during the alignment process. Defaults to False.
        verbose (bool, optional): If True, print the losses during optimization. Defaults to False.

    # Load skin and pose it in lying down pose
    skin_data = pkl.load(open(skin_pkl_path, 'rb'))
    assert set(['verts', 'betas', 'pose']).issubset(skin_data.keys())
    nb_beta = skin_data['betas'].shape[0]
    skin_model = STAR(gender, num_betas=nb_beta)
    skin_model.betas[:] = skin_data['betas']
    pose_lying(skin_model, gender)

    # Visualize
    # if display:
    #     Mesh(skin_model.r, skin_model.f).show() 
    skin_mesh = Mesh(skin_model.r, skin_model.f)

    #Load learned regressors
    reg = Regressors(gender)

    # Infer Skeleton shape in tpose
    skin_betas = skin_data['betas'][:10]
    skeleton_verts = infer_skeleton_shape_verts(skin_betas, reg.betas_regressor, reg.skeleton_pca)

    # Vizualize the infered skeleton shape
    m = Mesh(np.vstack([skin_mesh.v, skeleton_verts]))      

    # load stitched puppet with the regressed skeleton template
    sp = init_stitched_puppet(skeleton_verts)

    # Optimize for the bones location
    optimize_bone_loc(sp, skin_mesh, reg, verbose, display)

    pkl.dump(sp, open(skel_pkl_path, 'wb'))
    Mesh(sp.r, sp.f).write_ply(skel_mesh_path)
    Mesh(skin_model.r, skin_model.f).write_ply(skin_mesh_lying_path)

    sk = StitchedSkeleton()
    skel_path = cg.skeleton_model_file


    # Export parts of lying model
    for i in range(21):
        part_verts_id = sk.part2bodyPoints[i]
        part_faces = sk.partFaces[i]

        part_mesh = Mesh(v = sp.r[part_verts_id], f = part_faces)

    # Template parts of gloss model
    for i in range(21):
        part_faces = sk.partFaces[i]

        part_mesh = Mesh(v = sk.partPoints[i], f = part_faces)
MarilynKeller commented 1 year ago

If you display the sub-meshes as point clouds only, without the faces, do they look fine?

hwy1992129 commented 1 year ago

It is not correct...

anishdulal commented 10 months ago

Hello @MarilynKeller and @hwy1992129, thank you for bringing this into discussion. I also tried the above code given by @MarilynKeller to get humerus but the result is not correct. Have you guys found out the work around for this?

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 9 37 00 AM
anishdulal commented 10 months ago


humerus_mesh = Mesh(v = sp.r[hum_verts_id], f = hum_faces)


humerus_mesh = Mesh(v = sk.partPoints[9], f = hum_faces)

gave the desired result. Thank you!

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 9 57 15 AM
MarilynKeller commented 7 months ago

I added an argument --per_part to save the skeleton mesh per part. You can try it with the last release:

`python --mesh_input data/demo/body_female.ply --gender female -D -v -F --per_part

It exports the different bones as separated mesh files: image


anishdulal commented 7 months ago

Hi @MarilynKeller, would it be possible to separate the pelvis as three separate segments (right coxal, left coxal, and sacrum)?

MarilynKeller commented 7 months ago

Hi, I do not have this segmentation, but here is how you can proceed:

  1. Export the pelvis mesh using the current "per-part" argument (see readme)
  2. Open the mesh in a 3D editing software
  3. export the indices list of each subpart you are interested in (right coxal, left coxal, and sacrum)
  4. In the OSSO code, before exporting the pelvis mesh, use those lists of vertices to split the mesh into 3 submeshes and export them as 3 different meshes.

For 3., here is how I personnaly proceed.

For 4. given a list of vertex indices, you can export a submesh following this example). The trimesh library might also have a native function to do that.

anishdulal commented 6 months ago

Hi @MarilynKeller, thank you so much for your guidance! It worked perfectly!