MarimerLLC / cslajs

CSLA for JavaScript
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JS Implementation + Test Structure #13

Open niemyjski opened 9 years ago

niemyjski commented 9 years ago

I took a look at the csla.js file and it had tests and a bunch of stuff into it. Yet there is also a test project. I like what a lot of projects are doing and that is placing a .spec.js file right next to the file that contains the tests. This tests right next to the file and the tooling can pick it up via a wild card. Also, It's kind of hard to track what's transpiled and what isn't when viewing the source.

niemyjski commented 9 years ago

Typically in our projects where we used typescript we only included typescript and out build would output it to a dist folder for release. I think we should follow the same conventions. For example (we are not using ts here), one of my projects ( we only check in the actual source. The build/ci server would run grunt / gulp build and put a package out there on bower /npm for people to download.