Marine-Games / Marine-Technology

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Ordinance Homing Types #4

Open DoctorNefarious opened 11 months ago

DoctorNefarious commented 11 months ago

The game should have several different homing systems for weapons, all with their own advantages and disadvantages. Optical Sensor - - countered by smoke, doesnt work in heavy weather Heat Seeker - - countered by magnesium flares Semi-Active Radar - - countered by chaff / breaking launcher's line of sight / radar jammers Anti-Radiation (Radars, radios) - - countered Active Protection System, Terrain, Radar switch-off, Jamming Active Radar - - countered by chaff TV Guidance - - Countered by poking the user's eyes out

Optical sensors will be mostly plug-and-play, you tell the seeker where to look, it has a video output so you can verify that its looking at the correct thing, and then enable tracking. once tracking is on, it will attempt to center the image it has been given, thus guiding it to its target. This ofcourse wont work in heavy weather, with lots of fog or rain, it can also be countered using smokescreens, since the optical sensor cannot then track its target.

Heat seekers will have some settings, such as FOV on both axis and a Sensitivity setting. FOV is self explanatory The Sensitivity setting will, well, adjust how sensitive the seeker is, the more sensitive the harder it tracks heat sources, but its insanely easily counterable by magnesium flares or other heat sources. The less sensitive, the more heat is required to make the missile track, therefore more missiles are required to throw off the missile, but it will also have a very hard time tracking weaker heat signatures.

Semi-Active-Radars will only track something, if another radar is pointed at it with the same freuqency, An aircraft with a radar at frequency of, lets say, 90, will ping the enemy. the missile, with its reciever set to frequency 90, will track those pings. if the aircraft's radar ceases tracking a target, the missile will cease guiding. It is counterable by chaff, since the launch platform's radar is also susceptible to chaff. The missile can also be jammed, or you can attempt to break line of sight to disable the missile.

Anti-Radiation missiles will track radars. If the missile seeker detects that an active radar was pointed at it, it will turn towards that radar and attempt to kill it. it can also detect general radiation, such as from radio communicators. It is counterable by active protection systems (intercepting the missile with another one, or CIWS/CRAM systems), jamming or just turning off the radar lol.

Active-Radar will send its own pings out in search of targets. when it gets a return, it will track that return until it gets within range to detonate a proximity fuse, or it physically hits the target. it will then stop tracking, because it is destroyed. The radar will however consume a large amount of electricity, therefore the missile will have to be built by the player to support mid-way semi-active homing, or the user will have to throw potshots in hope of the missile pitbulling on its own.

TV guidance is a constant communication guidance between the launch platform and the missile. The missile will be fired, and start sending video signals to the launch platform, the launch platform may send corrective commands back to the missile and guide it to its target. TV guidance is counterable by smokescreens, heavy weather, gouging the user's eyes out, active protection or jamming.

DoctorNefarious commented 11 months ago

Three more guidance types which i forgot to mention: Laser guidance - - countered by smokescreens, jamming, laser weapon system Wire guidance - - countered by smokescreens, active protection, or obliterating launch platform. GPS guidance - - countered by jamming, active protection

Laser guidance will require a laser pointer on the launch platform, continuously pointing it at the target until it is destroyed. The bomb or missile will require a laser sensor encoded to the same frequency as the launch platform's emitter. Laser weapons are countered by obstructing the laser emitter by smoke screen or using cover, to break line of sight.

Wire guidance will be similair to a winch, although not usable as one because the wires are super thin and wont support any weight. The wires will have an insanely fast reel speed, and will transfer video data to the launch vehicle, and commands to the weapon. This type of guidance is countered by destroying the launch platform or active protection systems. Unjammable, because, how would you jam a cable?

GPS guidance will require the launch aircraft to encode GPS positions to the weapon through the pylon it is mounted on. A GPS guided weapon will be most efficient when the user adds a terminal guidance system, such as an optical sensor to finish the job. This type of weapon is hard to defeat, your only chances are active protection, with a low chance of jamming the terminal stage tracking device either by smokescreen or other means, depending on what the terminal tracker is on the weapon.

And as for jamming the weapons, unlike in the game we all know and hate, there will belimited frequencies, so you cannot have an unjammable frequency in the billions that will never be discovered. Regarding countermeasure dispensers, there should be different types of cartridges for a default countermeasure dispenser;