MarineBioAcousticsRC / DetEdit

A graphical user interface for annotating and editing events detected in long-term acoustic monitoring data
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Extract code to create LTSA independently of Triton #22

Closed asolsonaberga closed 5 years ago

asolsonaberga commented 6 years ago

DetEdit depends on Triton to create LTSA.

Make code that it can be done independently of Triton

asolsonaberga commented 6 years ago

Hi @kfrasier

Fairlie did a fantastic job simplifying the code of Triton and mk_ltsa function (together with the subfunctions) it is all we need to make the .ltsa headers separate from Triton. This code prompts with windows, asking for where to find the files and some parameters. To make everything similar, do we want the user to write the directories in the function? Or we keep the GUI windows?