MarineBioAcousticsRC / Triton

:whale: Scripps Whale Acoustics Lab :earth_americas: Scripps Acoustic Ecology Lab - Triton with remoras in development
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Conversion of Flac file into xwav file #96

Open chandragaja opened 1 year ago

chandragaja commented 1 year ago

Hi, whenever I want to convert a Flac file of sampling rate 200KHz (SanctSound_MB03_01_D143_181114000000.x.flac which is a HARP MOORING raw file) into an xwav file by using triton, it does not give a full-length data file (actual Flac file is one-hour data file but converted xwav file is 75sec file or some times it is showing different length data file but not exact). Please provide a solution for this problem.

Thank you.

sfregosi commented 1 year ago

Hi @chandragaja could you provide additional background information on the steps you are taking to try to convert the .x.flac to xwav? Is the .x.flac directly processed from the mooring or is it downloaded from an online data repository? If from online, can you provide a link to that file?

xwav files are a collection of some number of raw files (typically 30 raw files each of 75 sec duration make up a single xwav file) so it seems like somewhere in your process it is only converting that very first raw file. However, with what you've provided, I can't dig into it any more.

Best, Selene