Submissions are assigned filenames based on metadata: [Protocol][MarineGEO site code][data entry date in YYYY-MM-DD format]
The app must be able alert MarineGEO, rename the initial submission, and potentially alert the user that data already exists for the protocol-site-data entry date they're submitting. This could reflect:
Uploading the same data more than once, either on accident or because you weren't sure it worked in the first place.
Finding an error and uploading a updated copy.
Filling out multiple protocol spreadsheets for the same data sheets (for instance, multiple techs split the raw data and each create a spreadsheet - not great but I suppose it could happen).
Data reflects different research dates but data entry for all happened simultaneously at a later date.
How we handle duplicate filenames will likely differ based on these scenarios. The simplest solution is probably to throw a warning to the user and instruct them to email marine geo.
Submissions are assigned filenames based on metadata: [Protocol][MarineGEO site code][data entry date in YYYY-MM-DD format]
The app must be able alert MarineGEO, rename the initial submission, and potentially alert the user that data already exists for the protocol-site-data entry date they're submitting. This could reflect:
How we handle duplicate filenames will likely differ based on these scenarios. The simplest solution is probably to throw a warning to the user and instruct them to email marine geo.