Closed Petikoch closed 7 years ago
The example is actually a bit over-simplied and could be solved easily using
data class MyDataClass(val a: Int = 1,
val b: Int = 2) {
val sum = a + b
data class MyDataClass(val a: Int = 1,
val b: Int = 2) {
val sum: Int by lazy {
a + b
Please ignore this and think of a member function which takes 1..n parameters.
Hi, thank you for your comments.
You could use functions/methods references
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
val memoizedSum = ::sum.memoize()
For 1..n the solution is a lot less elegant
fun multi(vararg i: Int) = "n"
val memoizeMulti: (IntArray) -> String = ::multi.memoize()
memoizeMulti(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3))
Hi Mario,
thanks for your answer... I just learned a lot also thru, especially about "function properties"...
So, we can even write if we want to have just one memoized "thing"
val sum = {
a + b
or with 1..n parameters
// 1 param
val sumAndAdd = { addMe: Int ->
a + b + addMe
//2 params
val sumAndAddAndMultiply = { addMe: Int, multiplyBy: Int ->
(a + b + addMe) * multiplyBy
Maybe this is worth an entry in the Wiki?
Best regards, Peti
Feel free to contribute
Hi Mario,
thank you very much for funKTionale!
I have a question regarding memoization of member functions. I'm used to Java and Groovy and a Kotlin Newbie.
Maybe you have some time and can give some insights on this...
I'd like to memoize the
member function of this immutable data class (just a silly example)In groovy I can do this using an annotation
If I want to do this using funkTionale, then there is at the moment "only" this solution, right?
Or is there a "more direct" solution?
Thanks for your time & best regards, Peti