MarioMasta64 / EverythingPortable

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misunderstand how your script works and trying to correct you #32

Closed RaXorX closed 7 months ago

RaXorX commented 7 months ago

if "%~1" neq "" (call :%~1 & exit /b !current_version!) this statement doesn't work properly if it's at the start of the batch file. In my case, it works only if it's before :Menu or after all the other necessary call statements have been run.

call :v30UpgradeCheck

if "%~1" neq "" (call :%~1 & exit /b !current_version!)

MarioMasta64 commented 7 months ago

you dont understand how this works do you... its meant to be called from another script (and works perfectly as intended) not from inside the script itself, "%~1" means first parameter (exa: "launch_helpers.bat param1")