MarioRicalde / SCSS.tmbundle

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Live side-by-sde "Watch" mode? #146

Closed lunelson closed 4 years ago

lunelson commented 11 years ago

So, I'm not talking about regular sass "watch" mode, but rather a side-by-side live-compile.

An example of this is The CSS side auto-updates.

In Sublime Text, it's possible to keep the target css file open in another pane, but you need to switch focus to it in order to make the view update. On the other hand, there is a coffeescript plugin by @aponxi that creates a new window which updates live (converting your CS to JS) and you can keep it in antother pane and watch it change without having to switch focus.

Could something similar be done for Sass/SCSS? I find the sassmeister thing very useful sometimes but one is not always online and sometimes sassmeister is down or too slow...would be an awesome feature for sketching stuff out!