MarioZuliani / Greenhouse-Experiment
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stats Qs for Mario and Steph #6

Open zenrabbit opened 1 year ago

zenrabbit commented 1 year ago


1 Mario can you (or ask Steph) compare native vs brome responses.. need to for paper

2 Steph, can you look up GBIF data for all 4, generate SDM and do this again… Modelling the niche space of desert annuals needs to include positive interactions paper BUT do it for potential competition by temp/.

3 SO Mario has stats done almost and can give you who suffers less? OR STEPH, just have field data to have a result about the size of their niches, individually. 4 OR Steph, look up where, get centroid of there the live in central cali, do OMI model paper 5 Or Steph, just use predict functions in R and model out who likely suffers less?

MarioZuliani commented 1 year ago

1) Completed 3) Natives suffer less and invasive brome suffer greatly in terms of germination rate and biomass.

zenrabbit commented 1 year ago


zenrabbit commented 1 year ago

key finding. pls explore a few ways to present, test, and add to abstract. gold.