MarioniLab / MNN2017

Code for the MNN manuscript figures
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Runtime #11

Closed chenlingantelope closed 5 years ago

chenlingantelope commented 5 years ago

The following dataset contains ~76K cells and according to the paper should take ~20mins but I ran it for >24h and obtained no output. Both of them are from the 10x website

data1 = 'data/pairwise/pbmc8k.mtx' data2 = 'data/pairwise/pbmc68k.mtx' data <- lapply(c(data1,data2),function(fname){ X = readMM(fname) return(t(X)) }) library(scran) ibrary('gmodels') data1= as.matrix(data[[1]]) data2= as.matrix(data[[2]]) start = proc.time() mnn_correct <- mnnCorrect(data1, data2) # corrected values end = proc.time()

LTLA commented 5 years ago

If you read the README, it'll direct you to

But to answer your immediate question, I would suggest some feature selection before throwing it into mnnCorrect. It's not like removeBatchEffect, it doesn't operate on a gene-by-gene basis.