MarioniLab / MammaryGland

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where to get the R object ExpressionList_QC_norm_clustered_clean.rds and cell ranger output files etc #14

Open LihuaJulieZhu opened 5 years ago

LihuaJulieZhu commented 5 years ago


Could you please let me know where to obtain the ExpressionList_QC_norm_clustered_clean.rds used in the following command and the cell ranger output files?

dataList <- readRDS("../data/Robjects/ExpressionList_QC_norm_clustered_clean.rds")

gene_bc_matrix <- load_cellranger_matrix("../data/CellRangerData/MammaryGland", genome="mm10")

In addition, could you please let me know where to obtain the expression matrix with cell cluster identity?

Thanks so much for your kind help! Best regards, Julie