MarioniLab / oor_design_reproducibility

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Missed parameters in the auprc api of oor_benchmark #22

Open cyxss opened 4 months ago

cyxss commented 4 months ago

In the 'Compure sensitivity in shift OOR state' part of the src/2_simulation_design/oor_design_main/oor_design_mixed.ipynb file, the code use the auprc API as auprc.auprc(nh_df, return_curve=False, bootstrap_iterations=1000, bootstrap_seed=42).

We met the error 'TypeError: auprc() got an unexpected keyword argument 'bootstrap_iterations'. I checked the oor-benchmark package at, and found no parameters as bootstrap_iterations and bootstrap_seed.

If I deleted these two parameters, there would be no CI_upper and CI_lower columns in the auprc_compare dataframe. How should I change the code to reproduce the barplot?