Maritime-Robotics-Student-Society / Boat-construction

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Get density of various foam options #43

Open smaria opened 7 years ago

smaria commented 7 years ago

To avoid the boat filling with water, we will add various waterproof compartments or foam. As a first step, it would be interesting to see what density various types of foam have. We also need to come up with a method of sticking the foam into the boat so it doesn't float away (velcro?)

smaria commented 7 years ago

I can measure the blue foam that can be wire cut and the white very light packaging foam I got at the towing tank.

smaria commented 7 years ago

Blue foam that is typically wire cut with the machine downstairs: 3.5 * 10-5 g/mm^3 35 kg/ m^3

White foam blocks used for packaging: 2.4 * 10-5 g/mm^3 24 kg/m^3

For reference: Water: 1000 kg/m^3

Once we have the volume of our hull we can estimate how much weight we will gain from just filling the hull with foam

smaria commented 7 years ago

-> related to #36 Once we have the CAD we can get the volume