Mariusz89B / script.mtvguide

m-TVGuide, a completely free Kodi add-on with support for electronic tvguide (EPG). Allows streaming content from licensed television provider services and M3U playlists.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
29 stars 5 forks source link

Kodi Omega (Win10 or Libreelec) are not playing any wppilot channels. #30

Open ams028 opened 1 month ago

ams028 commented 1 month ago

Kodi Omega (Win10 or Rasbberry PI Libreelec) are not playing ALL wppilot channels. TVP Go works perfectly fine. Both (WP Pilot & TVP GO) worked perfectly fine with Kodi Nexus on same platforms.

With Kodi Omega it downloads only first file of manifest and raise 403 HTTP error with the next files. Some issue with configuration of inputstream.adaptive or wrong HTTP headers?

Below logs: debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Download finished:|user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.80 Safari/537.36 Edg/98.0.1108.50&cookie=netviapisessid=5eb6680838e4496db1a637b2c7361e64; netviapisessval=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.EokUd30EHru8l7yr41NelgVVgC4hO-RtPCZzTWztPHl5WwjutOil6BBdjbXfCzVHLa6xi0yOoLQr1OQuRAi_wg (downloaded 983 byte, speed 6922.00 byte/s) debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Manifest saved to: D:\Users\Aneta i Marcin\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\userdata\addon_data\inputstream.adaptive\manifests\manifest_1718620955_master.txt info : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 2, Type: live) debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: [Repr. chooser] Stream selection conditions Screen resolution: 720x480 (may be limited by settings) Initial bandwidth: 29535068 bit/s debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: New period, dispose sample decrypter and reinitialize debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: [Repr. chooser] Current average bandwidth: 29535068 bit/s (filtered to 26581561 bit/s) debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: [Repr. chooser] Selected representation ID (Bandwidth: 889000 bit/s, Resolution: 640x360) debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Created AdaptiveStream [AS-0] with adaptation set ID: "", stream type: video debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Created AdaptiveStream [AS-1] with adaptation set ID: "", stream type: audio debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: GetCapabilities() info : Creating Demuxer debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: GetStreamIds() debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: GetStream(1001) debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: GetStream(1002) debug : CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 1001 with codec_id 27 debug : CDVDDemuxClient::RequestStream(): added/updated stream 1002 with codec_id 86018 info : Opening stream: 1001 source: 256 debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: OpenStream(1001) debug : CurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Open - debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: RESOLVE is - old addresses discarded! debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Added to DNS cache debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Found bundle for host 0x2446d749c20 [can multiplex] debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Connected to ( port 443 (#0) debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Using Stream ID: 3 (easy handle 0x2446a838940) debug : Curl::Debug - SSL_DATA_OUT:  debug : Curl::Debug - SSL_DATA_OUT:  debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: GET /9/smil:basic/chunklist_b889000_vo_t64MzYwcA==.m3u8?t2=1364fcc99a334f439a15845e15c81c6b&t3=0bec1360cbb14ca280f46a971471bd01&t5=&device=android_tv&type=free&ts=74950e758a285d118b18c05ed48f16c46359d0eee2e609c93820aa33167a18f3 HTTP/2 debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: Host: debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: user-agent: Kodi/21.0 (Windows NT 10.0.19045.4529; Win64; x64) App_Bitness/64 Version/21.0-(21.0.0)-Git:20240406-60c4500054 debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: accept: / debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_OUT: accept-charset: UTF-8,;q=0.8 info : MTVGUIDE @ Database.eventLoop() >>>>>>>>>> processing command: _getChannelList info : MTVGUIDE @ _getChannelList debug : Curl::Debug - SSL_DATA_IN:  debug : Curl::Debug - SSL_DATA_IN:  debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: HTTP/2 403 debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: server: nginx debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 10:46:03 GMT debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: content-type: text/html debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: content-length: 146 debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: access-control-expose-headers: Date, Server, Content-Type, Content-Length, X-CDN, X-Error-Id, X-SH-ID debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: access-control-allow-origin: debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: access-control-allow-methods: OPTIONS, GET, POST, HEAD debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, User-Agent, If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control, Range, X-QOE-BE, X-QOE-PE, X-QOE-PT, X-QOE-BT, X-QOE-MI, X-QOE-MIC, X-QOE-CIC, X-QOE-MT, X-QOE-CT, X-QOE-CDN, X-SH-ID, X-Error-Id debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: access-control-max-age: 3600 debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: x-sh-id: cb5e debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: cache-control: private, max-age=1, must-revalidate, no-transform debug : Curl::Debug - HEADER_IN: x-error-id: 912 debug : Curl::Debug - TEXT: Connection #0 to host left intact error : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Download failed, HTTP error 403: warning : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: Cannot create sample reader due to unhandled representation container type debug : AddOnLog: inputstream.adaptive: GetStream(1001)