MarjorieBurghart / VulgateGlaire

Une version TEI XML de la traduction française de la Vulgate (Bible latine) par l'Abbé Glaire (†1879)
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Just spotted two cross-references #12

Open DavidHaslam opened 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

FIO. A search for italics markup included these two Psalm titles (vs.1) in my concatenated USFM file.

\v 1 \it N’exterminez pas (Ne perdez pas entièrement) ; de David, pour l’inscription du (de) titre, quand Saül envoya garder sa maison pour le tuer \it*(voir \it 1 Rois\it*, 19, 11).
\v 1 \it Psaume de David, lorsqu’il était dans le désert d’Idumée\it* (voir \it 1 Rois\it*, 22, 5).

The items in parentheses at the end of each verse are clearly cross-references. They could make use of the proper USFM tags for cross-references. That being done, IMHO the use of italics around the book name becomes superfluous.

This being a French Bible, these particular cross-references prompt the question:

Is 1 Rois a reference to book 10 or book 12 of the OT ?

i.e. Because 1 Samuel is known as 1 Kings (etc) in some Bibles.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Esther 9:6 has a note that indicates the text for this verse is incomplete in "DFT".

\v 6 à ce point, qu’ils tuèrent dans Suse même jusqu’à cinq cents hommes, outre les dix fils d’Aman l’Agagite, ennemi des Juifs, dont voici les noms : (verset 6 sans doute incomplet dans DFT)

Further research is needed (& what does DFT denote)? @MarjorieBurghart

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

At the end of Psalm 31:11 observe the item in parentheses:

\v 11 Justes, réjouissez-vous dans le Seigneur, et soyez dans l’allégresse ; et glorifiez-vous (en lui,) vous tous qui avez le cœur droit. (Hébreu : 33).

This is a note about Psalm 32 in the Vulgate which is numbered as Psalm 33 in the Tanach, just as it is in the Protestant canon.

It seems to me to be superfluous, especially when this is not done for all the other Psalms that are numbered differently in the Vulgate.

I suggest we should remove it. @MarjorieBurghart

MarjorieBurghart commented 6 years ago

OK, I can't deal with that right now, but I'll try and check. About Ps. 31:11, I am reluctant to remove it if it was in the original (something that needs to be checked). But of course you can make a different decision about the text of the module you're building.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

Logically, it would be sensible to convert it to a footnote with the tag on the chapter number 32. Not feasible for SWORD. We can only attach footnotes to headings and text.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I think it may have been due to a bug in your script that converted the HTML to TEI XML.

A search within Psaumes for the pattern (Hébreu : gave 161 hits, though some of these are in the notes and commentary.

Even so, the general pattern is that each Psalm numbered differently in the Vulgate than in the Hebrew OT has one of this kind of lines just above its non-canonical descriptive summary heading.

There are 137 such Psalms.

What needs to be explained is how all but one of them were removed when you generated the TEI files initially.