MarjorieBurghart / VulgateGlaire

Une version TEI XML de la traduction française de la Vulgate (Bible latine) par l'Abbé Glaire (†1879)
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Parenthesised text items ending with ", note)" [or similar] #18

Open DavidHaslam opened 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I was beginning to think that these items were in verses that had notes in this page:

Scrolling down that long page we find a separate section with the title:



Yet this whole page has only 35 notes in total; 21 for the OT and 14 for the NT.

Even so, with the intentional exclusion of all notes, commentary, etc from the Biblical text in this repository, it does seem superfluous to retain ", note[s]" at the end of 513 of the parenthesised text items.

Even more so, now that we see that the vast majority of these items have no corresponding note in the Vigouroux edition of Glaire's Bible.

What do you think? @MarjorieBurghart

Should I remove ", note" from the files in branch of my fork and issue a pull request?

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

For the record, I observed there are:

and finally, this one in John 5, which we need to elucidate further: \v 1 Après cela, il y avait une (la car note) fête des Juifs, et Jésus monta à Jérusalem.

Is the word note there part of the rendering, or just that there's a comma missing after the word car ?

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I almost didn't spot this one in Luke 6: \v 16 Judas (garder Judas, il y a une note dessus) frère de Jacques, et Judas Iscariote, qui fut le traître.

For the record, these seem to be genuine instances of the word note in the text:

\v 17 car la honte et le repentir tombent sur le (s’attachent au) voleur, et la note la plus infamante sur la langue double ; au semeur de rapports (délateur) la haine, et l’inimitié et l’infamie.
\v 7 Là où il y a beaucoup de mains, tiens tout fermé ; tout ce que tu livre(ra)s, compte-le et pèse-le ; note par écrit tout ce que tu donne(ra)s et que tu reçois (recevras).

Both these are in Sirach.

MarjorieBurghart commented 6 years ago

I think the mention "note" in the parenthesized text means that this alternative translation is offered in a note (by Vigouroux?) For Jo. 5, 1, see the text of the notes (down the page, after the biblical text:

5.1 Voir Lévitique 23, 5 ; Deutéronome, 16, 1. ― La fête des Juifs ; c’est-à-dire la fête de Pâque (saint Irénée). Voir Jean, 4, 45. Jésus va à la fête pour ne pas se montrer opposé à la Loi et encourager la multitude qui accourait de toutes parts (saint Chrysostome).

I have not converted those notes from the HTML source. But it still means that the "note" mention has some interest, if only by supplying the information that an interested reader will find something about the alternative translation in the notes section. I would therefore leave them.