MarjorieBurghart / VulgateGlaire

Une version TEI XML de la traduction française de la Vulgate (Bible latine) par l'Abbé Glaire (†1879)
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Speaker identifications in Cantique (Song of Songs) #22

Open DavidHaslam opened 6 years ago

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

The speaker identifications in Song of Songs are non-canonical, i.e. not part of the Hebrew text.

Ideally, therefore, these should be

These text items are uppercase and mostly located at the beginning of a verse:

This one occurs mid-verse:

<ab n="1">Que
mon bien-aimé vienne dans son jardin, et qu’il mange du
fruit de ses arbres. L’EPOUX.
Je suis venu dans mon jardin, ma sœur, mon épouse ; j’ai
recueilli ma myrrhe avec mes parfums (aromates) ; j’ai mangé
le rayon avec mon (le) miel ; j’ai bu mon vin avec mon lait.
Mangez, mes amis, et buvez, et enivrez-vous, mes bien-aimés.

Likewise, but this one is in parentheses:

<ab n="2">Je
dors, et (mais) mon cœur veille. Voix de mon bien-aimé
qui frappe : (. L’EPOUX.)
Ouvre-moi, ma sœur, mon amie, ma colombe, mon immaculée,
car ma tête est couverte de rosée, et mes boucles (les
boucles de mes cheveux) sont pleines des gouttes de la nuit.
DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

USFM supports speaker identifications. An example is given in the User Reference.

The two mid-verse instances should also have at least a line break encoded.

MarjorieBurghart commented 6 years ago


This seems coherent with the Clementine Vulgate, see:

Since this is the source of this translation, I don't think they should be moved out of the verse - at least from the point of view of the faithfulness to the source text. I understand that from a biblical studies point of view, the opinion may differ.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

I think the speaker markers in USFM can still be used within verse text, so it's not a critical problem.

They'd have to be given that the two mid-verse instances must be common to all translations that have speaker identifications in the Song of Solomon.

DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago


DavidHaslam commented 6 years ago

That's a screenshot of the relevant page in the USFM User Reference. Viewed with CHM+ on my iPad Mini.