<ab n="1">
<hi rend="italics">Pour le peuple qui a été éloigné des saints (ou des chose saintes), de David, (pour une) inscription du (de)</hi> titre, lorsque les Philistins (Allophyles (étrangers)) l’eurent arrêté à Geth. </ab>
It's unclear to me why the scope for italics markup does not extend to the end of the verse.
cf. The whole of verse 1 is the canonical title which in the Vulgate was translated from the Hebrew.
It seems to me that the online digital edition of the Bible Vigouroux is at fault here.
This is where one needs the printed edition for checking against.
Psalm 55:1 currently reads:
It's unclear to me why the scope for italics markup does not extend to the end of the verse. cf. The whole of verse 1 is the canonical title which in the Vulgate was translated from the Hebrew.
It seems to me that the online digital edition of the Bible Vigouroux is at fault here. This is where one needs the printed edition for checking against.