Mark-Hopkins-at-Williams / thesis-hien-nguyen

Hien's Thesis
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Review chapter 3: Experiments & results #21

Open yonebayashi opened 4 years ago

yonebayashi commented 4 years ago

First draft:

NOTE: I realized that I can flesh out the experiment discussion part more but I'm not sure how... I'm also running a couple experiments to see if BPE-dropout requires longer training than normal BPE and if so, the result might be better.

Note on bibliography: I referred to the thesis guide by the library people and it says that the citation style is up to the department I'm doing thesis with, so unless there's a specific style for CS thesis that I need to follow, I guess it's up for us to decide?

yonebayashi commented 4 years ago

The chapter has been updated following your feedback!