Mark-Lauman / DominionPicker

An Android companion app for Rio Grande Games' Dominion
MIT License
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Advanced Rules Panel #43

Open Mark-Lauman opened 8 years ago

Mark-Lauman commented 8 years ago

The plan is to have a checkbox in options that enables "advanced rules".

When the advanced rules are enabled, you will be able to set the probability of each expansion, more filters will be visible, and those other filters can have probabilities applied to them as well.

Basic inspiration for this screen comes from Randominion. randominion

Mark-Lauman commented 8 years ago

Currently planned "advanced" filters: Cost, Type, Event limiter. Other thoughts welcome.

Mark-Lauman commented 8 years ago

Current probability levels (at most one can be selected): +, ++, +++ If the selected probability is tapped, then none will be selected and the item will be filtered out. As an additional button: "≥1" to require 1 card.

Uldiniad commented 6 years ago

has the code for this feature begun or is it still just in the idea phase?