Mark-Lauman / DominionPicker

An Android companion app for Rio Grande Games' Dominion
MIT License
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Translations #51

Open martinborda opened 8 years ago

martinborda commented 8 years ago

You can get all Dominion card translations from:

Please start with Spanish ;)

Great app! Thanks!

kikecalpe commented 8 years ago

I'm working on that. Thank you for the link.

Mark-Lauman commented 8 years ago

Thanks martinborda - this will let me do rudimentary translations in MANY more languages. Won't be as good as those we've translated directly, but it will do until someone steps forward with translation help.

kikecalpe - let me know if you need anything and I'll help you out. Either here or via

martinborda commented 8 years ago

In case you need something more specific for a better translation, please let me know and I can help with the Spanish translation (I own all Spanish expansions up to date).

kikecalpe commented 8 years ago

@martinborda I'll contact you as soon as all work is organized.

kikecalpe commented 8 years ago

@martinborda Please, contact me by mail: