Mark2Mark / mark-zones-plugin

This is a plugin for GlyphsApp
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same zones for several scripts? #7

Closed RosaWagner closed 4 months ago

RosaWagner commented 4 months ago

I am trying to apply the same zones for several scripts, I tried to enter: Latin Greek, Latin_Greek, Latin, Greek. Since it didn't work I wonder if it is possible without duplicating the zones in the custome parameter?

Mark2Mark commented 4 months ago

Hi Rosalie, thanks for this. It seems not possible at the moment, but I'll see what I can do to make it happen. Good idea! Didn't have that use case yet 👌

Mark2Mark commented 4 months ago

@RosaWagner, I already got it working.

For the moment, how would it be to write it like this Latin + Greek?

I cannot use the comma and underscore, as they are alrady used to split the custom parameter value when parsing (it is all stored as a simple string).

A space seems a little unexplanatory to me and an ampersand looks a little messy.

I could also think about using predicates in the future, if that ever comes up as a need, for example exlude something via leading exclam !latin (but for now I cannot think of much use for that. Your idea seems pretty useful, though.

RosaWagner commented 4 months ago

+ is fine by me :)

Mark2Mark commented 4 months ago

Thank you!

Just pushed version 1.3.1 which should make it work. Normally Glyphs should pull the update automatically soon. Let me know if it doesn’t :)

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