Aim: Implement pthread.h (embedded c language) in beaglebone black using pru.
I implement PRUCookbook/docs/06io/code/gpio.pru0.c in BeagleBone Black(BBB).
As per my application get input parallel from gpio pin so I want to use thread.
I have to try to debug Makefile from /var/lib/cloud9/common/Makefile and add in LDFLAGS and also CFLAGS as
--lpthread , but is shows:- fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "pthread.h" due to in cfg-pru _pthread.h which support CPP. I am unable to understand this _pthread.h file.
Guide me:
1) how i use pthread.h header file as same pthread.h file, any example.
2) how to add pthread.h header file in **/var/lib/cloud9/common/Makefile_** .
Aim: Implement pthread.h (embedded c language) in beaglebone black using pru.
I implement PRUCookbook/docs/06io/code/gpio.pru0.c in BeagleBone Black(BBB).
As per my application get input parallel from gpio pin so I want to use thread.
I have to try to debug Makefile from /var/lib/cloud9/common/Makefile and add in LDFLAGS and also CFLAGS as --lpthread , but is shows:- fatal error #1965: cannot open source file "pthread.h" due to in cfg-pru _pthread.h which support CPP. I am unable to understand this _pthread.h file.
Guide me: 1) how i use pthread.h header file as same pthread.h file, any example. 2) how to add pthread.h header file in **/var/lib/cloud9/common/Makefile_** .
Thank you I will Appreciate your Response.