MarkBind / markbind

MarkBind is a tool for generating content-heavy websites from source files in Markdown format
MIT License
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Migrate stylelint to latest for security updates #2292

Closed tlylt closed 7 months ago

tlylt commented 1 year ago

Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in the repo

Yes, I have searched the existing issues

Any related issues?


Tell us about your environment

Windows 10

MarkBind version

Master branch

Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

Stylelint is outdated and migrating it to latest is necessary for a security update (See #2666). This cannot be done automatically due to differences across the versions. See the CI check error in that PR (copied below for reference).

csslint stylelint */.css */.vue

/home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Box.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Breadcrumb.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/CollapseExpandButtons.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Dropdown.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Modal.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Navbar.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Overlay.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/OverlaySource.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/PageNavButton.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Panel.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Pic.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Popover.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Retriever.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/ScrollTopButton.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Searchbar.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/SearchbarPageItem.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/SiteNav.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/SiteNavButton.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Submenu.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Tab.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/TabGroup.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Tabset.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Thumbnail.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Tooltip.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/Trigger.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/annotations/Annotate.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/annotations/AnnotatePoint.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/panels/MinimalPanel.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/panels/NestedPanel.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/panels/PanelSwitch.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/questions/QOption.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/questions/Question.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS /home/runner/work/markbind/markbind/packages/vue-components/src/questions/Quiz.vue: you should use the "customSyntax" option when linting something other than CSS

Deprecation warnings:

  • The "at-rule-name-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "at-rule-name-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "at-rule-semicolon-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-closing-brace-empty-line-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-closing-brace-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-closing-brace-newline-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-closing-brace-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-opening-brace-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-opening-brace-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "block-opening-brace-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "color-hex-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-bang-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-bang-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-block-semicolon-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-block-semicolon-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-colon-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-colon-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "declaration-colon-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-comma-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-comma-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-comma-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-max-empty-lines" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-parentheses-newline-inside" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-parentheses-space-inside" rule is deprecated.
  • The "function-whitespace-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "max-empty-lines" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-colon-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-colon-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-name-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-parentheses-space-inside" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-range-operator-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-feature-range-operator-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-query-list-comma-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-query-list-comma-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "media-query-list-comma-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "no-eol-whitespace" rule is deprecated.
  • The "no-extra-semicolons" rule is deprecated.
  • The "no-missing-end-of-source-newline" rule is deprecated.
  • The "number-leading-zero" rule is deprecated.
  • The "number-no-trailing-zeros" rule is deprecated.
  • The "property-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-attribute-operator-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-attribute-operator-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-combinator-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-combinator-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-list-comma-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-list-comma-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-max-empty-lines" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-pseudo-class-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside" rule is deprecated.
  • The "selector-pseudo-element-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "unit-case" rule is deprecated.
  • The "value-list-comma-newline-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "value-list-comma-space-after" rule is deprecated.
  • The "value-list-comma-space-before" rule is deprecated.
  • The "value-list-max-empty-lines" rule is deprecated.
  • The "indentation" rule is deprecated.

docs/css/main.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core-web/src/styles/index.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core-web/src/styles/markbind.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core-web/src/styles/page-nav.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core/src/plugins/default/markbind-plugin-anchors.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core/src/plugins/default/markbind-plugin-tree.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core/src/plugins/web3FormAssets/web-3-form.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/core/template/default/stylesheets/main.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/cli/test/functional/test_site/stylesheets/red-heading.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/cli/test/functional/test_site/stylesheets/styles.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/cli/test/functional/test_site/_markbind/plugins/testMarkbindPluginStylesheet.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/cli/test/functional/test_site_convert/test_basic_convert/non_markbind_site/stylesheets/main.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/cli/test/functional/test_site_convert/test_navigation_convert/non_markbind_site/stylesheets/main.css 1:1 ✖ Unknown rule function-calc-no-invalid function-calc-no-invalid

packages/vue-components/src/Box.vue 111:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Breadcrumb.vue 1:1 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/CollapseExpandButtons.vue 23:7 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Dropdown.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Modal.vue 40:14 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Navbar.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Overlay.vue 22:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/OverlaySource.vue 19:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/PageNavButton.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Panel.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Pic.vue 19:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Popover.vue 48:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Retriever.vue 10:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/ScrollTopButton.vue 19:20 ✖ Missed semicolon CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Searchbar.vue 20:12 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/SearchbarPageItem.vue 27:20 ✖ Missed semicolon CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/SiteNav.vue 1:1 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/SiteNavButton.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Submenu.vue 26:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Tab.vue 18:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/TabGroup.vue 11:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Tabset.vue 50:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Thumbnail.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Tooltip.vue 35:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/Trigger.vue 57:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/annotations/Annotate.vue 19:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/annotations/AnnotatePoint.vue 5:12 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/panels/MinimalPanel.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/panels/NestedPanel.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/panels/PanelSwitch.vue 14:10 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/questions/QOption.vue 2:8 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/questions/Question.vue 2:3 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

packages/vue-components/src/questions/Quiz.vue 12:18 ✖ Unknown word CssSyntaxError

46 problems (46 errors, 0 warnings)

Expected behavior

Migrate stylelint with appropriate updates to the current configurations, according to their migration guide:

Anything else?

No response

WillCWX commented 1 year ago

Can I try doing this migration?

WillCWX commented 1 year ago

It seems that stylelint is moving to remove a lot of its features and to reimplement them may require more dependencies.

Before I move on, I would like to know how we feel about adding more dependencies.

Styling Vue files

We have been using stylelint to check .vue files but it is not supported by default anymore.



It is recommended to use stylelint-config-recommended-vue instead.

The developers mentioned that all non-css extensions will be maintained by communities instead. link to their discussion We may need to either create and maintain one ourselves or hop from library to library if this stylelint-config-recommended-vue stops being maintained.

Side Note:

The recommended library seems to be more strict than the previous version. Not sure whether to follow stricter standards or to disable them.

Warning: Long error logs ahead:

107 Errors
``` docs/css/main.css 60:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 20px 0 20px" to be "0.8rem 20px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 62:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 85:5 ✖ Expected "0 12px 12px 12px" to be "0 12px 12px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 96:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 103:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 110:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 121:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/core-web/src/styles/index.css 1:9 ✖ Expected ""markbind.css"" to be "url("markbind.css")" import-notation 2:9 ✖ Expected ""page-nav.css"" to be "url("page-nav.css")" import-notation 3:9 ✖ Expected ""~katex/dist/katex.css"" to be "url("~katex/dist/katex.css")" import-notation 4:9 ✖ Expected ""~markdown-it-texmath/css/texmath.css"" to be "url("~markdown-it-texmath/css/texmath.css")" import-notation packages/core-web/src/styles/markbind.css 31:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-background-clip" property-no-vendor-prefix 211:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 255:31 ✖ Expected "currentColor" to be "currentcolor" value-keyword-case 260:31 ✖ Expected "currentColor" to be "currentcolor" value-keyword-case 306:11 ✖ Expected "currentColor" to be "currentcolor" value-keyword-case 323:27 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 323:40 ✖ Expected "0.1" to be "10%" alpha-value-notation packages/core-web/src/styles/page-nav.css 4:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 12px 0 12px" to be "0.8rem 12px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values packages/core/src/plugins/web3FormAssets/web-3-form.css 1:1 ✖ Expected class selector ".web3Form" to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 2:1 ✖ Expected class selector " .web3Form" to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 3:1 ✖ Expected class selector " .web3Form" to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern packages/core/template/default/stylesheets/main.css 60:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 20px 0 20px" to be "0.8rem 20px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 62:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 85:5 ✖ Expected "0 12px 12px 12px" to be "0 12px 12px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 96:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 103:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 110:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 121:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/cli/test/functional/test_site/stylesheets/styles.css 60:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 20px 0 20px" to be "0.8rem 20px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 62:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 85:5 ✖ Expected "0 12px 12px 12px" to be "0 12px 12px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 96:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 103:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 114:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 125:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/cli/test/functional/test_site_convert/test_basic_convert/non_markbind_site/stylesheets/main.css 60:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 20px 0 20px" to be "0.8rem 20px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 62:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 85:5 ✖ Expected "0 12px 12px 12px" to be "0 12px 12px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 96:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 103:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 114:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 125:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/cli/test/functional/test_site_convert/test_navigation_convert/non_markbind_site/stylesheets/main.css 60:5 ✖ Expected "0.8rem 20px 0 20px" to be "0.8rem 20px 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 62:5 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 85:5 ✖ Expected "0 12px 12px 12px" to be "0 12px 12px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 96:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 103:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 110:8 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 121:19 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/Box.vue 289:9 ✖ Expected "0.4rem 1.25rem 0.28rem 1.25rem" to be "0.4rem 1.25rem 0.28rem" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 319:27 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 319:47 ✖ Expected "0.6" to be "60%" alpha-value-notation 321:9 ✖ Expected "3px 5px 4px 5px" to be "3px 5px 4px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 323:9 ✖ Expected "0 6px 0 6px" to be "0 6px" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 395:23 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/Dropdown.vue 192:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/Modal.vue 139:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 140:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-moz-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 141:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-ms-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 144:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 145:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-moz-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 150:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 151:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-moz-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 152:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-ms-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 155:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 156:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-moz-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix packages/vue-components/src/Navbar.vue 286:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 333:25 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 333:39 ✖ Expected "0.2" to be "20%" alpha-value-notation 339:25 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 339:39 ✖ Expected "0.05" to be "5%" alpha-value-notation packages/vue-components/src/Searchbar.vue 273:23 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 281:23 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 281:46 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 289:27 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 289:41 ✖ Expected "0.075" to be "7.5%" alpha-value-notation 320:23 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/SiteNav.vue 84:27 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 84:47 ✖ Expected "0.35" to be "35%" alpha-value-notation 117:9 ✖ Expected "0 0 0 0" to be "0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values 120:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 121:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 131:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 139:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix 145:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transition" property-no-vendor-prefix packages/vue-components/src/Submenu.vue 153:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation 169:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/Thumbnail.vue 134:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-moz-border-radius" property-no-vendor-prefix 135:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-border-radius" property-no-vendor-prefix 143:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-ms-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix 144:9 ✖ Unexpected vendor-prefix "-webkit-transform" property-no-vendor-prefix packages/vue-components/src/Tooltip.vue 74:5 ✖ Expected class selector ".v-popper--theme-tooltip" to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 74:30 ✖ Expected class selector ".v-popper__inner" to be kebab-case selector-class-pattern 76:21 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 76:35 ✖ Expected "0.9" to be "90%" alpha-value-notation packages/vue-components/src/panels/MinimalPanel.vue 254:23 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 254:43 ✖ Expected "0.2" to be "20%" alpha-value-notation 286:16 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 294:16 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 318:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/panels/NestedPanel.vue 349:12 ✖ Expected "context" media feature range notation media-feature-range-notation packages/vue-components/src/questions/QOption.vue 307:9 ✖ Expected "0.2rem 0 0 0" to be "0.2rem 0 0" shorthand-property-no-redundant-values packages/vue-components/src/questions/Quiz.vue 207:17 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 207:37 ✖ Expected "0.8" to be "80%" alpha-value-notation 214:17 ✖ Expected modern color-function notation color-function-notation 214:37 ✖ Expected "0.5" to be "50%" alpha-value-notation 107 problems (107 errors, 0 warnings) ```

Deprecated Stylistic rules

stylelint will remove all "stylistic" / formatting rules that are found in prettier in the next iteration.



It is recommended to use either library, styelistic or code-guide.

Alternatively we can bring prettier in as stylelint seems to want to complement prettier in development. link to their discussion

!! Note !!


When updating the stylelint peer stylelint-config-standard, the deprecated rules were already removed in a previous version...

tlylt commented 1 year ago

Before I move on, I would like to know how we feel about adding more dependencies.

Depends on the impact of the dependency.

The recommended library seems to be more strict than the previous version. Not sure whether to follow stricter standards or to disable them.

Can go with stricter, but need to assess if all errors that are being flagged now can be rectified/worth rectifying/any concerns

It is recommended to use either library, styelistic or code-guide. Alternatively we can bring prettier in as stylelint seems to want to complement prettier in development.

Can with the former, and put the prettier option up as another issue for discussion

Hope that answers all your questions. Before you proceed, could you summarize your intended actions just so we are on the same page pls.