MarkBryanMilligan / LanternPowerMonitor

The Lantern Power Monitor is a Raspberry Pi service, Java Web Service, and Android application that allow you to monitor every electrical breaker in your house, regardless of how many panels or breakers you have.
GNU General Public License v3.0
80 stars 26 forks source link

3 Phase Breaker box #27

Closed LeoLopesLage closed 1 year ago

LeoLopesLage commented 2 years ago

Hi Mark. Excellent work! Would it be possible in future versions of the app to select a 3 phase breaker (3 CTs) in the space type??

My home has 3 phases and, because of that, I have the master breaker with 3 phases. I have an air conditioning system with 3 phases too. I know I can assign 1 CT to each phase and group them, but it would be so much cleaner to have an option with 3 phase breaker (3 CTs). Thank you.


LeoLopesLage commented 1 year ago

Thank you!! Just opened 1.1.1 release email. Thanks for the 3 phase update. Will test it latter this week.

LeoLopesLage commented 1 year ago

Not available in the AppStore yet.


MarkBryanMilligan commented 1 year ago

This GitHub page is for the raspberry pi service code and the web services code. Version 1.1.1 refers to the raspberry pi service version. The release that I just made allows the hubs to monitor the voltage of one phase and infer the voltage of phases 2 and 3. I've added the ability to assign which phase each breaker is on to the android app, but I haven't changed the UI of the panel config to look like an EU panel (because there are quite a few styles).

I have a list of things to add to the iOS app, 3-phase config being one of them, along with billing plan config and a couple bug fixes. I started a new day job a couple months ago, so I've been spread pretty thin lately. It's coming though, I appreciate your patience.

LeoLopesLage commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Nicely done so far... And you always answer the questions or comments. Impressive!