MarkDunne / 33-questions

33 Questions
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Update #3

Closed JeremyRubin closed 7 years ago

JeremyRubin commented 10 years ago

Added a perfect question (excluding people who may have never flipped a coin perhaps?)

Tanner commented 10 years ago

Perhaps I don't understand the question, but doesn't this add no information if I cannot remember the first time I flipped a coin or its result?

jakob-stoeck commented 10 years ago

You could change it into “the last time you flipped a coin” without changing the outcome.

jovo commented 10 years ago

i'd think you'd want questions that are relatively time insensitive. like, you could ask: "what hemisphere are you currently standing on?" but a better question might be "what hemisphere were you born on?" (of course, "hemisphere" could be replaced by a data-driven hyperplane that divides earth's population in half)