MarkEdmondson1234 / googleAuthR

Google API Client Library for R. Easy authentication and help to build Google API R libraries with OAuth2. Shiny compatible.
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Updating from 1.2.1 to 2.0.0 for simple sign in #223

Open c4f3a0ce opened 1 year ago

c4f3a0ce commented 1 year ago

What goes wrong

I have Web application OAuth client id configured which works just fine for an application using googleAuthR 1.2.1 with googleAuthUI + googleAuth + with_shiny. I'm able to retrieve user_info as expected.

I attempted to update application to googleAuthR 2.0.0 with googleSignInUI + googleSignIn but noticed no data is retrieved and the sign-in button stays in "Sign in" state. No errors a printed, nothing is shown in the log (I used options(googleAuthR.verbose=2) ).

To make sure that it is nothing application specific I tried using simple sign in example with my token substituted.

Expected output

I can properly sign-in to google and retrieve user data.

Actual output

Nothing specific happens. After login into google and authorizing app, google seems to redirect properly, but app does nothing (doesn't seem like server hits debug output),

What am I doing wrong?