MarkEdmondson1234 / googleCloudRunner

Easy R scripts on Google Cloud Platform via Cloud Run, Cloud Build and Cloud Scheduler
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added cr_buildtrigger_build #186

Open muschellij2 opened 2 years ago

muschellij2 commented 2 years ago

Point of this PR:

  1. Add cr_buildtrigger_build, which alllows us to construct buildtrigger objects. This is crucial when running the same code, but you don't want to replace a buildtrigger but it already exists. If you delete a buildtrigger, then any builds that were triggered from the previous trigger are not indicated to "Unknown". Now you can use cr_buildtrigger_build(...) and compare it to cr_buildtrigger_get() to see if the exact (or exact enough) buildtrigger already exists.
  2. Created the extract_trigger function for tidier code
  3. Keeping gcs_sources if they exist in the build
  4. Allow you to pass a build YAML argument
muschellij2 commented 2 years ago

Some example code of checking the same trigger where buildtrigger is the output of cr_buildtrigger_build

same_trigger = function(buildtrigger, name, project) {
    res = try({
        triggerId = name,
        projectId = project)
    }, silent = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(res, "try-error") && !is.null(res)) {
    bt = googleCloudRunner:::as.buildTriggerResponse(buildtrigger)
    res$id = res$createTime = NULL
    if (is.null(res$disabled)) {
      res$disabled = FALSE
    # do this if you don't care about description
    # !! Important - if you do care and you use a timestamped description - they are always different!
    res$description = bt$description = NULL
    all_names = union(names(bt), names(res))
    if (all(all_names %in% names(bt)) &&
        all(all_names %in% names(res))) {
      bt = bt[all_names]
      res = res[all_names]

    if (isTRUE(all.equal(res, bt))) {
      message("trigger: ", name, " already exists and same as ",
              "the one being created, \nreturning the current trigger ",
              "instead of overwriting")
MarkEdmondson1234 commented 2 years ago

Add cr_buildtrigger_build, which alllows us to construct buildtrigger objects. This is crucial when running the same code, but you don't want to replace a buildtrigger but it already exists. If you delete a buildtrigger, then any builds that were triggered from the previous trigger are not indicated to "Unknown". Now you can use cr_buildtrigger_build(...) and compare it to cr_buildtrigger_get() to see if the exact (or exact enough) buildtrigger already exists.

I think this use case is better served via cr_buildtrigger_get() now returning NULL in 0.5.0 and using cr_buildtrigger_edit() to change existing triggers

# existing trigger?
present <- cr_buildtrigger_get("targets-scheduled-demo")

# not there
 # create trigger via cr_buildtrigger()
 trig <- cr_buildtrigger(...)

#already exisit - modify

But let me know what the above doesn't cover.

Keeping gcs_sources if they exist in the build

This broke builds in the past, does the existing change pass tests?

If you can't run the tests, it may help a lot if you have the ability to run them - the cloudbuild file for them are in inst/cloudbuild/cloudbuild_packages.yaml - to set them up you will need a googleCloudRunner enabled JSON auth key uploaded to your secret manager in the same project called "googlecloudrunner-test-key" then set up a trigger for your local fork.

Allow you to pass a build YAML argument

I don't see this change? Was that another pull?

muschellij2 commented 2 years ago

Agreed - no YAML argument.

Do you know what happens when a trigger is edited if it stays tied to specific builds?

MarkEdmondson1234 commented 2 years ago

Yes, it's like editing them in the UI - the underlying triggerId remains intact, which is not the case if the buildtrigger is overwritten.