For DCML>RNTXT and any other new conversions, possibly add software version in the metadata preamble.
music21 version (exists)
Conversion version (TODO?):
DCML v2DCML-romantext parser v. 2023.07 or similar.
ms3 version notes from @johentsch
import ms3
from git import Repo
data_repository = Repo(corpus_path)
print(f"data_repository @ {data_repository.commit().hexsha[:7]}")
print(f"ms3 version {ms3.__version__}") # should work with most libraries
One to consider:
For DCML>RNTXT and any other new conversions, possibly add software version in the metadata preamble.
music21 version (exists)
Conversion version (TODO?):
DCML-romantext parser v. 2023.07
or similar.ms3 version notes from @johentsch