MarkGrimwood / Mognet-All-Sky-Camera-install

Software for a simple Raspberry Pi based all sky camera
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Raspberry Pi Camera v3 and Raspistill #19

Open MarkGrimwood opened 1 year ago

MarkGrimwood commented 1 year ago

There has been a new version of the Pi camera released ( which doesn't work with raspistill but requires libcamera instead.

Have got the v3 camera on order so I can investigate and update the code as required

MarkGrimwood commented 1 year ago

Running on a Pi Zero W with a clean install of Bullseye, which has libcamera included. This requires the latest image writer as old version would only install Buster

Current capture commands are: libcamera-still --autofocus-mode manual --lens-position 0.0 --nopreview --exposure normal --width 1440 --height 1080 -o "$STANDARDCAPTURE" libcamera-still --autofocus-mode manual --lens-position 0.0 --nopreview --exposure normal --width 1440 --height 1080 --contrast 20 --gain 12.0 --shutter 10000000 -o "$STANDARDCAPTURE"

Raspberry Pi v3 libcamera documentation

Testing in progress at the moment. With these settings I'm not currently seeing any stars, so going to look at options

MarkGrimwood commented 1 year ago

Currently not able to get this working properly. Daytime shots are fine, but night time relies on 10 second exposures, and libcamera seems to be limited on exposure time to something a lot less than 10 seconds

Will come back to this sometime as the v3 camera looks good in the daytime shots

oldjiberjaber commented 1 year ago

Worth looking at the allsky-indi which I am testing at the moment, it doesn't seem as stable but is managing to get 60s captures on my HQ camera on Bullseye Debian (RPi3B+) using only libcamera.

MarkGrimwood commented 9 months ago

This is a testing in progress thing, but I have a Pi Zero 2 with the v3 camera running Bullseye, and I think I've got it sorted thanks to what might be updated instructions on the Pi website and some tinkering. Seems that the v3 camera can expose for up to 112 seconds.

The daytime capture command is currently:

libcamera-still --autofocus-mode manual --lens-position 0.0 --nopreview --exposure normal --width 1440 --height 1080 -o "$STANDARDCAPTURE"

And the night capture command is:

libcamera-still --autofocus-mode manual --lens-position 0.0 --nopreview --exposure normal --width 1440 --height 1080 --contrast 20 --gain 20.0 --awbgains 1,2.6 --immediate --shutter 10000000 -o "$STANDARDCAPTURE"

The setting for awbgains is probably correct now. The images had been turning out green!