MarkMjw / PullToRefresh

根据Maxwin的XListView改造而来,完善下拉刷新上拉加载更多的功能并实现自动刷新以及自动加载等功能, 并增加对ScrollView的支持。 原XListView参考链接:
Apache License 2.0
690 stars 322 forks source link

PullRefreshto GridView #14

Open mdtuyen opened 9 years ago

mdtuyen commented 9 years ago

Dear Mark, I want to use your algorithm with listview to gridview. Please help me

Thank you so much.

mdtuyen commented 9 years ago

I want to use your solution to gridview, because gridview don't support add header and footer so that i implemented it. And continue ? What is need consider ?
