MarkSeliverstov / NSWI041-intro-to-software-engineering

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10# Accept Friend Request #12

Open ttomkk opened 6 months ago

ttomkk commented 6 months ago

User story

As a student I want to be able accept friend request from another student, so that another student can have access to my specific, otherwise private, information and I can have access to their specific, otherwise private, information (to synchronize our study process).

(Student can see timetable, planned exams ... of his friends because they can synchronize their exams and see when the friend has free time or a lecture.)

Use case

Starting situation (Initial assumption)

boba-buba commented 6 months ago

UML Diagram

Screenshot from 2024-03-29 11-32-38

boba-buba commented 6 months ago

Here goes code, bc I dont know where else to put it:

@startuml "Send and Accept Request"
scale 2
left to right direction
skinparam PackageStyle rect
actor "Student A" as sa #Lime
actor "Student B" as sb #DeepSkyBlue
rectangle PersonModule
    sa -- (Search for Student B) #Lime
    (Search for Student B) --> (Show accessible information of Student B) : extend
    (Search for Student B) --> (Send Friend Request)#Lime  : extend
    (Send Friend Request) --> (Update Request List of Student B)#Lime  : include

    sb -- (Show Request List)#DeepSkyBlue
    (Show Request List) --> (Accept Request of Student A)#DeepSkyBlue : extend
    (Show Request List) --> (Decline Request of Student A) : extend
    (Accept Request of Student A) --> (Update Friend List of Student A)#DeepSkyBlue : include
    (Accept Request of Student A) --> (Update Friend List of Student B)#DeepSkyBlue : include
    (Accept Request of Student A) --> (Update Request List of Student B)#DeepSkyBlue : include
    (Decline Request of Student A) --> (Update Request List of Student B) : include

    sb -- (Show Friend List)
    (Show Friend List) --> (Show accessible information of my Friend) : extend